Saturday, July 24, 2010

my new client/sales person sherie

wow, this was fun,

i hear from favourite gifts that someone bought two fiveleft bags, one for herself and one for a

then i get a phone call (while trying to recover from being away for five weeks) from sherie...

we meet at the studio and and instead of taking home one bag, she walks away with five of the best bags i have on hand, including the first ever prototype of the 'new girl' bag, and a ladybucket (carryall) that i made for myself...

here we are (and the bags) before she heads back home.

thanks sharie for not letting 'awkward-just-coming-of-vacation-guy' (me) get in the way of the bags you wanted and helping the people you were picking bags up for...
im sure this adventure is not over...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lincoln!! We enjoyed every minute of it and I will be back in November for your "culture crawl". I will probably bring my cousin with me (another PROUD owner of a Fiveleft bag, the 2nd bag I bought). There is no doubt that I will have more requests to bring back more bags when I return back home to Edmonton, AGAIN. As for myself, I can't wait to see your upcoming work...yes, you are right, I am sure this adventure is not over...
    Hope you "recover" from your vacation SOON!! :)
